Jewel is a beautiful, sweet girl. Her eyes are like seaglass and her fur, so soft.
Once she gets to know you're her person, she'll greet you with a perfectly crackled, adorable purr. She's observant and also playful. Although she likes to play with her people, and she can also play independently, she's not keen on playing with other felines.
Some of her favorite toys are feather wand toys, lasers, and small toys to bat around. She's a very easy-going cat who likes to gaze outside through a window perch or cat tower to watch wildlife. Cat TV is also a favorite for her.
She thrives on consistency in her feeding and playtime/being pet schedules.
If you're looking for a beautiful presence in your house who will curl up next to you once trust is built, Jewel may be the perfect feline friend for you! We love her to pieces and know you will too if you're the right fit for each other!
If you're interested in adopting Jewel, please fill out our adoption form to assure a good match.